My father-in-law celebrated his 71st birthday over the weekend. The kids decided to spring a surprise on their grandfather by presenting him with an unconventional birthday cake in the form of cute colourful cupcakes, which they baked themselves with Mama in-charge, of course. What made it more special was the fact that this was the first time they had the opportunity to celebrate their grandfather’s birthday with him. He happened to be in town that weekend. For someone who is almost three-quarters of a century old, my father-in-law is still full of zest and refuses to live the life of a retiree. Come to think of it, he is in fact still actively working, blogging and traveling! It is my wish that my children could spend more time with him, and unabashedly let their grandfather know that they love him so dearly and how they look up to their to'wan. After all, he is the only grandfather they ever know.