Happy April!

Good Grief! I started this post at the beginning of Apirl and never finished it ... and now it's almost May! Hope Spring is treating you well! Our weather has been all over the map, other than snow, we've had rain and sunshine and rain and pouring down hard rain, sunshine, hail and sunshine again ... and sometimes all on the same day! lol Back in February I went to visit my friend Elaine for the weekend ... she's a stitcher too. We had been talking about learning some new finishing techniques ... we both like learning new things together. So I went through my drawer of "needs to be finished", gathered all my finishing supplies and headed to Elaine's. The first new technique we picked was flat fold. Thanks to Vonna of Twisted Stitcher we had the most awesome instructions! You can find all Vonna's tutorials here . this picture Here's our stitched pieces and our packing fabric ... now the real fun begins! Elaine was the reader of ...