Please help me understand…

Why is it that when GLCs' top officials get hefty pay raise - one today received a huge sum - they deserved it? Their salaries must be adjusted upwards or else…brain drain, or something, so said a wise man. Those foreign companies would gleefully employ them and offer fatter salaries. These bigshots would take up the offers, wouldn’t they?

Okay… but I still don’t get it. Am I right to say that these “terrer merrer” bigwigs at GLCs, which in turn are owned by Khazanah, which in turn is owned by the government, whose members are put there by the rakyat, whom the government is asking to be thrifty in their spendings because of soaring costs in everything, which would soon include higher energy tariff imposed by one GLC which is headed by the CEO who had gotten the handsome raise, are to be spared the hardship which we, the 98 percent other Malaysians, are suffering from?

Didn't we put them there to solve our problems, to look after our wellbeing and not the other way round? Isn't that how it is supposed to work or is it me not comprehending the concept of the government by the people, for the people?

Why is that when the lowly paid employees ask for an upward revision of their salaries or some forms of allowances to tide them over this difficult period, they are instead told to adjust to the situation, change their lifestyles …. save, save, save, cut, cut,cut, save, save, save somemore ….. ?

What to save, what else to cut? With the salary I’m earning now, and the kind of lifestyle this family is leading, to change means to move out from this house to squat somewhere, one meal a day, six of us riding a motorcycle all at once to school and work … like that one ah!!? Our belts are already tightened to the maximum. Another notch, we would be no better than those displaced souls in Dafur.

Hey..on the bright side, I can now take my kids somewhere expensive. The petrol station. Yeah!!

Seriously, know of a shop still selling sundries at pre-fuel-hike prices, anyone? Let me know quickly before my brain goes dead…


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