Old and New Friends ...
On Friday all the ladies started arriving for the retreat. One of my favorite things about going to stitching retreats is spending time with woman share my passion for cross stitch ... My dear friend Karen lives in Arizona and luckily we've been able to see each other at least once a year. Here we are at The Silver Needle ...

A week or so before the retreat I found out that Joan was coming to the retreat too. I've been reading Joan's blog for a while now and she and I belong to a small exchange group ... in fact she's my exchange partner ... I was soooooo excited that we were going to get to meet in person! Joan such a nice person, funny and omgosh she's a quick stitcher!
Another dear friend of mine also attended the retreat. I've known Chris for quite a while now and always enjoy when we get to meet up ... Chris stayed with Karen and I ... and yes we do stitch, I have the proof! lol

I got to meet another blogger that came along with Joan ... Cathy, who's blog I've been reading for a long time now but didn't put two and two together ... I wanted to put them both in my purse and bring them home with me *smile* Ladies, It'm so glad I got meet both of you ...
Another dear friend of mine also attended the retreat. I've known Chris for quite a while now and always enjoy when we get to meet up ... Chris stayed with Karen and I ... and yes we do stitch, I have the proof! lol
and they like Starbucks too *smile*
Friday was spent visiting and shopping during the day but there was also a place for us all to stitch and stitch and wait for Barb and Alma to arrive ... and dinner too ... 
Barb and Alma Arrive! Here's a picture of our hostess Lindy, Barb and Alma ...

After dinner we received our first class project ... what a wonderful presentation of the little kits ...
Inside was fabric, floss, buttons, rickrack and an alphabet chart. Everything we needed to make a pin pillow. Some ladies finished there's Friday night, stitching and listening to Alma and Barb sharing their stories. I didn't finish mine until Saturday ... it was such a fun little stitch ...
On Saturday they took a group picture of all the "babies" that were in all stages of finish ... aren't they cute! and all so different ...

I'm grateful for old and new friends ...

Well if you are still reading this long long post, like me you probably have to go potty! lol ... I still have more to share another day.
Special shout outs to Karen and Yvonne for sharing your pictures with me. And also to Mary, who was the photographer for SN.
I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...
I'm grateful for old and new friends ...
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