Retreats are wonderful!

I spent 4 glorious days in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Now I never thought I ever say that about a city where the weather was over 100 every day and the humidity was at least 80% every day ... I mean I'm a Seattle girl complete with webbed toes *smile* ... but add dear friends, stitching, laughing, chocolate and coffee, shopping, meeting new friends, taking classes from Blackbird Design, fondling stash and hugs ... and well it makes even the hottest of days a bit more tolerable.

The retreat I attended was hosted by The Silver Needle. Karen and I flew in on the Wednesday before the retreat started. Neither of us had every been to Oklahoma and we knew we'd want to do a little sightseeing while we were there. First stop was our hotel ... really nice room.
this couch was really comfy for stitching ...

After getting settled in our room it was off to the grocery store for water, pop and chocolate. Back to the room before heading out to dinner. Back at our room we exchanged a few goodies we each had brought. Karen gave me this great Whitman's tin and the pattern but she also included a few other goodies ...
Inside was a pincushion she made, a bookmark, two blue skeins of floss and a pair of cute scissors.
Thursday morning we headed straight over to The Silver Needle ... we were both itching to see the shop. We were amazed at the shop ... it seems like there were shop models for about 60% of all the charts in the shop ... it really was quite amazing.
Mill Hill kits galore ...
and lovely over one pieces ...

lots and lots of Lizzie Kate ...
and a wall of fabric!
just a few Bent Creek's ...
and a smiling Karen ...

Yep I bought stash on my first visit and I bought stash again and again. I had a little too much fun in the shop. I don't have a big shop close to me so I was kinda like a kid in a candy store and oh it was sooooo much fun! lol I'll share those pictures later ...

After stash shopping we headed out to do a little antique shopping ... we headed to Jenks and after finding nothing at the first few shops we hit the mother load in the last two shops. Karen found two Ball jar lids, the iron, small molds and two glass frogs. My main goal was to find my first glass frog ... I can't seem to find them in Seattle anywhere! Well I found two :) I also found a green parfait class that hopefully will work for the base of one. I also found a pair of salt and pepper shakers and a glass box that I just feel in love with ...

I think I'll stop here ... there's more, lots more ... plus I know there's a lot of bloggers out there that are posting about the BBD retreat too ... don't want all you bloggers getting too bored with us!

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for cooler weather ...


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