Happy December

Hope your December is going well. We're all decorated in the house, except for the tree and Terry is almost done with the lights outside. It's starting to look a lot like Christmas everywhere. Terry's birthday was on Friday. The kids came over on Saturday to celebrate. We went to see Santa and then to mexican dinner and games back at the house. We played some Xbox Kinect and had a blast. I think Terry had a good birthday ... I'm sure his 4 margaritas helped! lol

A little story about the Santa hats ... last year I was talking about how fun it would be if we all wore a red Santa hat for our annual Santa picture ... no one was really wanted to but over the year they all kept coming up with other kinds of Santa hats they could wear ... Like Rob wearing his Seahawk Santa hat ... so we decided everyone could pick any kind of Santa hat to wear. I wanted to wear a regular red one but was veto'd ... so I added a trim of reindeers to mine :) Monica made one for Chris because he wanted a Subaru one, it turned out great! So we have Terry in a Tony Steward #14 hat, Chris in a Subaru hat, Rob in a Seahawk hat, me in my reindeer trimmed hat and Monica in her WSU (Washington State University) hat. I think we look marvelous!

I've been stitching a lot but have nothing I can show you ... yet. Seahawks game is sucky so I'm off to my craft room for a little finishing.

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for time with my stitching girlfriends ...


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