Happy Spring!

Lots of Spring stitching going on in this house, but only one that I can show you, the others are for some Spring Exchanges that I'll share once they arrive at their new homes.

I finished Peep a couple of weekends ago ... what a fun stitch! I can't wait to finish him.
Lizzie Kate's Peep
stitched with supplies in kit

This sweet pin cushion arrived over the weekend from Diane. Isn't it clever and cute! I might have to steal this idea ... hope you don't mind Juan :)
I started Yule Sampler in December but had put it down to stitch on other things. When Lisa of Primitive Needle lost her life on March 1st I decided I would finish it in honor of her. There's a Facebook group that was created so we could share our stitching in memory of Lisa. Most everyone was stitching a Halloween piece since that was one of Lisa's favorite holiday was Halloween. Now to get it framed.
Yule Sampler by The Primitive Needle
Fabric - Heritage by Picture This Plus - Edinburgh 36 ct.
Stitched 1 over 2 with suggest Crescent Colours

Can't believe it's almost April! Are you getting lots of Spring stitching done? What Spring stitching are you doing? Well, it's time for Castle ... we just started watching it. Great fun series!

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for Spring ...


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