8 years later ...

8 years ago my Dad and I were in Santa Barbara, California helping my great aunt move to an assisted living residence. After a few days of moving and getting her settled, Dad and I took a drive to Solvang for the day. It's a lovely touristy city with lots of fun shops and good food. We found a cross stitch shop that I had to visit. While I was shopping, Dad brought over this Dimensions kit ... a lovely scene of wolves in a forest. He loved it and asked if I would stitch it for him. It was the first time he'd asked me to stitch anything for him so of course I said yes ... a yes I struggled off and on for 8 years. After the first couple of years he stopped asking how the wolves were doing ... lol, smart guy! After 8 years, all I had gotten done was part of the main wolf. I was so gung ho on this at first, but soon realized I just didn't have the brain to work at pattern like this ... every time I picked it up I hated it more and more and felt sooo guilty for not getting it done for him ... well this year he was turning 80 (on June 19th) and again the guilt was really really hitting me hard because they still weren't done. Well, I swallowed my pride and emailed a dear friend of mine, Theresa (no blog), that we affectionately call Turbo Needles. Theresa has done huge designs, loves doing them and said yes when I asked if she would finish the wolves for me. 8 long years later they arrived back at my house last month ... seriously it only took Theresa a couple of months to finish them!! And WOW did she do a great job. I had them framed and gave this incredible framed piece to my Dad on Saturday. He was thrilled and hung it up immediately! I will always been indented to Theresa for getting this piece done for me and my Dad. Ignore the flash on the pictures ... May I present to you ... The Wolves ...
Last week I picked up a wip I had started last year and finished it up ... I loved stitching this one!
Sneak Peek Halloween by The Trilogy
stitched on 32 ct. Belfast Dirty Linen
with the recommended floss

I also finished by Lizzie Kate's Life's A Beach ... fun stitch that should have gone quicker but the 4 ply floss was slow stitching for me ...
Life's a Beach by Lizzie*Kate
Kit complete with fabric, floss and buttons

I hope everyone is staying cool these days! We had a lovely weekend of weather here ... high 70's ... it was perfect! And Terry and I made the best of it. Saturday we spent at the local farmer's market and then went to dinner and a movie. If you haven't seen Midnight in Paris yet, don't delay .. go see it!!! It was wonderful!!! Nice to enjoy a Woody Allen movie again. Sunday we spent in the yard ... then I stitched the afternoon/evening away working on another older wip. It was really a nice weekend ... I hope you all had a nice one too!

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for sunny days ...


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