Happy 4th of July

I did it!!! I finished everything before the 4th of July! I have to say I'm pleased with most of my finishes. Below is a little more about each design ...

I thought this pillow turned out darn cute ...
Liberty by Lizzie*Kate (freebie)
stitching on a misc piece of fabric
with suggested floss
stitched June 2011

I tried a new pillow technique on this design. Next time I'll make sure there is more of the fabric showing. Love the raffia hanger ... I gave this pillow to my daughter in law, Monica ...
America by Glory Bee (freebie)
stitched on a misc piece of fabric
using suggest floss
stitched July 2010

I wasn't sure at all about this design while I was stitch it. The red (House Wine by CC) was turning out a bit more pink than I wanted. When I finished stitching the flag, I wasn't any more pleased with it and didn't if I had any fabric that was going to work with the colors. Well it turns out I had just the perfect fabric and didn't even know it! lol .. the fabric has a bit of pale pink in the stars and the blue was perfect too! Added a bit of chenille trim from Victorian Motto and it turned into one of my favorite finishes!
SamSarah Design Old Glory
stitched on misc fabric
using suggested Crescent Colors floss
stitched June 2011

I backed Happy Happy Flag day with the fabric it's laying on, added some chenille trim and love how this one turned out too ...
Happy Happy Flag Day by The Trilogy
stitched on misc fabric
using suggested WDW and GAST floss
stitched June 2011

When I first saw this design I fell in love with the font! Love the rustic look of this finish ...
America by Threadwork Primitives
stitched on misc piece of fabric
using suggested WDW and GAST floss
stitched July 2011

Here's another finish that didn't turn out exactly like I wanted ... it's a bit too top heavy ... but cute ...
Let Freedom Ring by The Sampler Girl
stitched on misc fabric
using suggested floss
stitched June 2010

I used some of my coffee dye fabric for this stitch and I didn't stitch the "white" stripes, I liked the look of the coffee dye color working with the red and the blue ...
July 4th by Hodgepodge Cottage (freebie)
stitched on a coffee dyed piece of fabric
with suggested floss
stitched June 2011

Whew that was a lot of 4th of July stitching and finishing! I don't think I'll ever leave that many pieces to finish for one holiday again! lol ... but I'm sooo pleased to have them all done!!! And now I get to enjoy looking at them all month long *smile*

I hope you all have a very fun and safe 4th!

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for sunny days ...


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