Lovin' Spring

We've been having some really cold days .. yea I know, not as cold as some of you .. but cold for us *smile* but the last couple of days have been lovely!  and I'm feeling very springy so I thought I'd get out my smalls for Spring time and enjoy them before decorating for Easter.  Funny I didn't know three of my roosters were all facing the same way .. silly roosters lol
I had a finish last week .. can't wait to get it framed!  It was a fun stitch and I love the colors!
Needleworker by Little House Needleworks
stitched with recommended threads and fabric

Over the weekend I started a sweet little design by Lizzie*Kate called Song of Spring.  It was an exclusive from Market ... I'm hoping to have it finished soon to join my other Spring smalls. 

As some of you know, Monica and I have been doing craft night on Tuesdays but recently moved it to Thursday so two other friends could join us.  Both Caryl and Sarah love to craft and we were excited to have them join us.  It's really fun for me being the old woman of the group, they are all 30 (well Caryl's almost 30) and are definitely keeping me young ... and omgosh was conversations we have.  Sometimes I think they forget I'm sitting there lol ... everything from babies to husbands to work ... it's funny because the conversations aren't much different than the conversations I have with my girlfriends ... I just love these girls and enjoy the time I get to spend with them very much.  This picture is from last week ... we're working on Easter decorations ...
Hope everyone is having a great March so far and for those of you stuck in winter, I sure hope Spring arrives soon for you!  Thanks for all the comments ... love hearing from all of you! 

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for Spring ...


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