Peeking in ...

I don't have any stitching to show you ... not because I've lost my stitching mojo ... this time it's because I've lost the use of my right hand.  6 years ago I had an health issue arise that was thought to be MS or a small stroke.  After tests and tests and tests nothing was confirmed so the course of action was to do nothing unless my symptoms presented themselves.  6 years pasted with nothing until July 3rd ... I woke up and my entire right side was numb and has remained that way ... more tests and again nothing definitive.  We are now waiting for a MS expert to review my mri's to see what he thinks.

I've been trying to stitch left handed ... pretty slow but doable.  I've also ordered a lap frame with a clamp that I'm hoping will help too .... I'm really missing my needle and thread!

I'm really trying to keep a positive attitude through all this ... visiting your blogs helps a lot!!  I don't comment in your blogs because typing is very hard and exhasuting but know I am loving seeing what ever one is working on.

I hope to be back to stitching and blogging real soon.

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for my husband ...


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