8 years later ...
8 years ago my Dad and I were in Santa Barbara, California helping my great aunt move to an assisted living residence. After a few days of moving and getting her settled, Dad and I took a drive to Solvang for the day. It's a lovely touristy city with lots of fun shops and good food. We found a cross stitch shop that I had to visit. While I was shopping, Dad brought over this Dimensions kit ... a lovely scene of wolves in a forest. He loved it and asked if I would stitch it for him. It was the first time he'd asked me to stitch anything for him so of course I said yes ... a yes I struggled off and on for 8 years. After the first couple of years he stopped asking how the wolves were doing ... lol, smart guy! After 8 years, all I had gotten done was part of the main wolf. I was so gung ho on this at first, but soon realized I just didn't have the brain to work at pattern like this ... every time I picked it up I hated it more and more and felt sooo guilty for not gett...